Club Champions

Air Pistol Men
Men’s Air Pistol – 60 shots – Maximum score 600

2023Chris Lu555
2022Chris Lu549
2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019G Pilaniya569
2018V Sherafati541
2017V Sherafati556
2016G Pearce556
2015V Sherafati562
2014A Chng555
2013A Chng550
2012G Pilaniya567
2011G Pilaniya556
2010C Roberts573
2009C Roberts575
2008C Roberts573
2007S Deller564
2006J Iglesias562
2005K Middleton553
2004K Middleton535
2003S Deller578
2002S Deller576
2001S Deller574
2000J Iglesias565
1999J Iglesias567
1998A Miller549
1997A Miller566
1996D Lawton555
1995J Iglesias569
1994J Iglesias570
1993A Slifka Jnr515
1992J Iglesias550
1991T Marshall556
1990A Gonczol561
1989T Vonarx553
1988I Butland554
1987B Ashman552
1986G Horton555
1985L Clark563
1984J Kennedy565
1983J Ackroyd553

Air Pistol women
Women’s Air Pistol – 60 shots – Maximum score 600

2023Fiona Marcum546
2022Enci Rezaei533
2021No Comp Covid 19000
2020No Comp Covid 19000
2019E Rezaei555
2018R Khurana529
2017E Rezaei365
2016E Rezaei359
2015P Hooker352
2014I Charlton369
2013I Charlton362
2012K Woodward368
2011I Charlton361
2010I Charlton357
2009K Woodward369
2008L Leticq363
2007L Leticq371
2006L Leticq367
2005I Charlton376
2004L Leticq362
2003F Noble369
2002B Girdlestone348
2001S Ellis344
2000V Turner367
1999V Turner365
1998C Prendergast351
1997V Turner359
1996E Slifka363
1995V Turner359
1994V Turner370
1993V Turner376
1992V Turner371
1991V Turner349
1990V Turner364
1989V Turner350
1988V Turner364
1987S Robinson346
1986S Robinson337
1985No Competition
1984C Kubiak356
1983C Kubiak359

Air Pistol Junior Men
Junior Men’s Air Pistol – 60 shots – Maximum score 600

2023No Competitor000
2022No Competitor000
2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019No Competitor000
2018No Competitor000
2017No Competitor000
2016No Competitor000
2015B Wons512
2014No Competition000
2013No Competition000
2012B Wons490
2011B Wons501
1996-2010No Competition000
1995A Miller547
1994A Miller558
1993A Miller553
1992B Tanian540
1991B Tanian490
1990M Bowron322
1989A Gonczol543
1988No Competition
1987A Burman496
1986R Horton522
1985G Young510

Air Pistol Junior Women
Junior Women’s Air Pistol – 60 shots – Maximum score 600

2023No Competitor000
2022No Competitor000
2021No Competitor000
2020No Competitor000
2019No Competitor000
2018No competitor000
2017L Gu326
2016-2015No Competition000
2014K Fantenberg311
2013K Fantenberg283
2009-2012No Competition000
2008T Deller356
2007T Deller341
1991-2006No Competition000
1990S Turner354
1988 – 1989No Competition000
1987D Kelly280
1986C Boseley332
1985No Competition000
1984C Boseley302

50M Pistol 
50M Free Pistol – 60 shots – Maximum score 600

2023Ian Butland486
2022Chris Lu505
2021Aik Pin Chng450
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019G Pilaniya515
2018V Sherafati505
2017V Sherafati505
2016S Kelly530
2015G Pilaniya540
2014V Sherafati509
2013M Gleeson503
2012G Pilaniya524
2011M Gleeson506
2010M Gleeson506
2009C Roberts537
2008S Deller542
2007C Roberts538
2006S Deller538
2005S Deller555
2004J Iglesias523
2003J Iglesias530
2002S Deller535
2001J Wright526
2000J Iglesias543
1999J Iglesias540
1998J Wright514
1997J Iglesias517
1996J Wright519
1995J Wright536
1994J Iglesias540
1993L Clark531
1992I Butland523
1991L Clark524
1990L Clark531
1989T Vonarx511
1988L Clark522
1987G Horton528
1986G Horton541
1985G Horton535
1984J Kennedy546
1983G Horvath523

Centre Fire Pistol 
Centre Fire Pistol – 60 shots – Maximum score 600

2023Ian Butland557
2022Paul Eskaf554
2021Aik Pin Chng570
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019V Sherfati547
2018V Sherafati544
2017V Sherafati555
2016V Sherafati554
2015S Kelly562
2014I Butland545
2013B Schulz513
2012B Schulz516
2011I Butland502
2010D Boseley505
2009C Roberts562
2008I Butland536
2007I Butland551
2006J Iglesias562
2005Z Poniger540
2004J Iglesias563
2003J Iglesias567
2002J Iglesias564
2001S Deller540
2000J Iglesias571
1999J Iglesias577
1998J Wright554
1997J Wright571
1996J Wright566
1995L Clark573
1994L Clark572
1993J Iglesias568
1992M Kelly565
1991I Butland569
1990J Iglesias564
1989L Clark567
1988L Clark569
1987G Horton568
1986G Horton579
1985J Kennedy586
1984J Kennedy586

25M Pistol Men 

25M Pistol Men’s – 60 shots – Maximum score 600

2023Paul Eskaf568
2022David Telfer524
2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000

25M Pistol Women 

25M Pistol Women’s – 60 shots – Maximum score 600

2023Alexie Foo505
2022Fiona Marcum530
2021F Marcum527
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019F Marcum549
2018F Marcum480
2017K Gillman558
2016A Sam463
2015P Hooker528
2014P Hooker523
2013I Charlton508
2012K Woodward528
2011I Charlton550
2010I Charlton526
2009I Charlton545
2008C Prendergast508
2007K Woodward555
2006L Leticq534
2005L Leticq508
2004A Woodward583
2003S Ellis551
2002S Ellis530
2001S Ellis473
2000V Turner568
1999V Turner567
1998V Turner568
1997V Turner565
1996V Turner573
1995V Turner568
1994V Turner580
1993V Turner558
1992V Turner557
1991V Turner543
1990C Prendergast544
1989C Prendergast533
1988V Turner559
1987V Turner561
1986V Turner561
1985K Chiller571
1984K Chiller556
1983M Kennedy548

25M Pistol Junior 

25M Pistol Junior’s – 60 shots – Maximum score 600

2023No Competitor000
2022No Competitor000
2021No Competitor000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019No Competitor000
2018No Competitor000
2017No Competitor000
2016T Sam463
2015B Wons498
2014B Wons507
2013K Fantenberg415
2012B Wons445
2011B Wons466
2010S Elsmore514
1997-2009No Competition000
1996A Miller579
1995A Miller550
1994A Miller565
1993B Tanian557
1992B Tanian560
1991A Gonczol567
1990A Gonczol582
1989A Gonczol553
1988A Gonczol580
1987P Hanken561
1986R Horton556
1985A Gonczol537
1984C Boseley000
1983G Young556

Rapid Fire Pistol

Rapid Fire Pistol – 60 shots – Maximum score 600

2023Paul Eskaf556
2022Paul Eskaf558
2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019F Griffo Jun553
2018V Sherafati532
2017D Telfer522
2016V Sherafati520
2015I Butland486
2014V Sherafati532
2013I Butland519
2012D Telfer536
2011I Butland506
2010C Karamoshos500
2009I Butland530
2008C Roberts547
2007I Butland535
2006I Butland497
2005C Karamoshos500
2004C Karamoshos498
2003J Wright567
2002W Crossman567
2001J Wright562
2000J Wright555
1999J Wright547
1998C Karamoshos541
1997I Butland551
1996I Butland553
1995B Tanian551
1994I Butland550
1993J Wright548
1992I Butland563
1991J Ackroyd570
1990J Ackroyd567
1989T VonarxJ Burman553
1988L Clark578
1987G Horton579
1986J Ackroyd580
1985J Ackroyd580
1984J Ackroyd579
1983J Ackroyd582

Standard Pistol

Standard Pistol – 60 shots – Maximum score 600

2023Paul Eskaf553
2022Paul Eskaf540
2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019Z Poniger527
2018V Sherafati513
2017I Butland543
2016I Butland537
2015S Kelly545
2014A Chng544
2013A Chng540
2012A Chng535
2011A Chng512
2010C Roberts550
2009C Roberts568
2008C Roberts562
2007S Deller555
2006C Roberts553
2005Z Poniger527
2004J Iglesias547
2003S Deller553
2002J Wright558
2001J Wright552
2000J Wright564
1999J Wright557
1998J Wright536
1997J Iglesias556
1996V Turner564
1995V Turner553
1994J Wright560
1993J Wright559
1992G Dumaresq545
1991I Butland543
1990I Butland540
1989M Bickham549
1988A Gonczol551
1987G Horton564
1986G Horton563
1985G Horton569
1984G Horton561
1983G Horton561

Black Power 25M

40 shots – Maximum score 400

2023No Competitor000
2022No Competitor000
2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019D Boseley229
2018D Boseley220
2017D Joyce291
2016G Allison320
2015D Boseley309
2014G Cook295
2013I Butland323
2012I Butland368
2011I Butland351
2010I Butland359
2009No Competition000
2008I Butland356
2007I Butland337
2006D Boseley338
2005G Cook318
2004J Wright356
2003J Wright368
2002J Wright371
2001G Cook359
2000I Butland352
1999I Butland353
1998I Butland364
1997I Butland372
1996C Woods338
1995G Dumaresq355
1994C Woods349
1993A Lavazanian316
1992C Woods365
1991I Butland379
1990L Clark367
1989I Butland364
1988I Butland372
1987I Butland367
1986L Clark368
1985D Boseley332
1984L Clark369
1983R Williams329

Black Power 50M

40 shots – Maximum score 400

2023No Competitor000
2022No Competitor000
2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019No Competitor000
2018No Competitor000
2017No Competitor000
2016No Competitor000
2015No Competitor000
2014No Competitor000
2013G Cook248
2011-2012No Competitor000
2010P Wolfe207
2009G Cook257
2008G Cook305
2007G Cook284
2006G Cook271
2005G Cook280
2004J Wright322
2003J Wright337
2002J Wright312
2001S Deller287
2000G Cook337
1999A Lavazanian295
1998A Lavazanian285
1997C Woods294
1996C Woods303
1995C Woods294
1994L Clark358
1993I Butland332
1992C Woods322
1991G Cook322
1990I Butland318
1989C Meehan294
1988I Butland345
1987I Butland328
1986W Dunstan315
1985No Competition000
1984L Clark345

Service Pistol

90 shots – Maximum score 900

2023Not Shot000
2022A Foo756
2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019M Prada828
2018A Foo777
2017M Prada815
2016M Prada811
2015M Prada797
2014A Hurburgh810
2013A Hurburgh793
2012P Thornton728
2011G Cook783
2010G Cook752
2009G Cook784
2008G Cook796
2007M Krcevinac825
2006L Lamb816
2005L Lamb809
2004C Hollis851
2003J Wright805
2002L Lamb833
2001L Lamb831
2000L Lamb834
1999L Lamb835
1998L Lamb828
1997P Jeffrey793
1996L Clark867
1995L Clark862
1994L Clark865
1993L Clark844
1992L Lamb851
1991L Lamb844
1990L Lamb844
1989P McCarter863
1988L Lamb861
1987L Lamb848
1986L Lamb857
1985L Lamb862
1984L Clark831

Service Pistol Unrestricted

90 shots – Maximum score 900

2023Mark Connock791
2022Paul Eskaf806
2021I Butland476
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019No Competitor000
2018I Butland822
2017I Butland839
2016M Prada846
2015M Prada810
2014A Hurburgh836
2013A Hurburgh819
2012G Cook776
2011V Vella782
2010D Boseley756
2009G Cook799
2008G Cook804
2007M Krcevinac816
2006L Lamb834
2005G Cook816
2004C Hollis859
2003I Butland820
2002L Lamb845
2001L Lamb843
2000L Lamb835
1999L Lamb840
1998G Lowe838
1997P Jeffrey823
1996G Lowe857
1995L Lamb871
1994L Lamb852
1993L Clark862
1992L Lamb862
1991L Lamb859
1990L Lamb854
1989G DebreviG Cook856
1988L Lamb862
1987No Competition000
1986G Cook853
1985L Lamb843
1984L Clark847

WA1500 (48 Shot) Revolver

48 shots Revolver – Maximum score 480

2023Ian Butland456
2022Ian Butland460
2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019M Prada460
2018I Butland466
2017M Prada466
2016I Butland465
2015M Prada453
2014M Prada459

WA1500 (48 Shot) Pistol

48 shots Pistol – Maximum score 480

2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019P Wolfe381
2018P Eskaf470
2017C Kneale448
2016D Meiers378
2015P Hooker404

WA1500 (60 Shot)

60 shots – Maximum score 600

2023Ian Butland577
2022Ian Butland574
2021M Prada568
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019M Prada557
2018M Prada577
2017No Competitor000
2016No Competitor000
2015M Prada574
2014A Hurburgh555

WA1500 (150 Shot) Pistol

150 shots – Maximum score 1500

2022Paul Eskaf1436
2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019M Prada1417
2018P Eskaf1288
2017M Prada1409
2016M Prakash1284
2015M Prada1242
2014M Prakash1336

WA1500 (150 Shot) Revolver

150 shots – Maximum score 1500

2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019M Prada1717
2018M Prada1429
2017M Prada1337
2016C Woods390
2015M Prada1396
2014A Hurburgh1423

25 Yd Service Pistol

Maximum score 600

2023Ian Butland426
2022M Prada526
2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019M Prada556
2018No Competitor000
2017No Competitor000
2016M Prada579
2015M Prada574
2014M Prada584
2013M Prada549
2012M Rogers552
2011D Boseley505
2010M Krcevinac545
2009No Competition000
2008P Thornton564
2007G Cook556
2006G Cook D Boseley556
2005D Boseley541
2004P Thornton578

.45 Auto

66 Shots – Maximum score 660

2003L Lamb549
2002L Lamb433
1999-2001No Competition000
1998P Kelly443
1997E Aubor450

Short Barrel

65 Shots – Maximum score 650 (In 2004 the gun laws changed with the result that this competition can no longer be contested

2003J Wright591

Classic Pistol

Maximum score 400

2023No Competitor000
2022No Competitor000
2021F Griffo sen268
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019P Stewart295
2018No Competitor000
2017P Kelly298
2016P Kelly318
2015P Kelly341
2014P Kelly310
2013P Kelly317
2012P Kelly331
2011P Kelly344
2010P Kelly349
2009P Kelly320
2008P Kelly316

Combined Services Discipline – M32

Maximum score 360

2023Aria Tak Manesh342
2022S Elsmore348
2021S Elsmore550
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019S Elsmore347
2018S Elsmore348
2017P Kelly342
2016M Prada344
2015M Prada341
2014M Prada346
2013G Cook346
2012M Prada334
2011D Boseley334
2010G Cook346

Combined Services Discipline – M60

Maximum score ***

2023Ian Butland343
2022Ian Butland345
2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019P Kelly339
2018I Butland336
2017I Butland341
2016I Butland347
2015I Butland346
2014P Kelly341


Maximum score 100%

2022No Competition000
2021No Competition000
2020No Competition000
2019D Hayhaw000
2018J Loftes000
2017No Competition000
2016No Competition000
2015No Competition000
2014R Pointon000
2013R Pointon000
2012B Ould000
2011B Ould000
2010B Ould000

IPSC Standard

Maximum score 100%

2022Lucille James475
2021No Competition0
2020No Competition0
2019J Radburn0
2018P Clare0
2017C Darvas0
2016No Competition0
2015P Muscat0
2014P Muscat0
2013P Muscat0
2012C Darvas0
2011V Vella0
2010M Krcevinac0

IPSC Production

Maximum score 100%

2022Savio Racina358
2021No Competition0
2020No Competition0
2019S Racina0
2018V Cheng0
2017A Cooke0
2016No Competition0
2015J Winthorst0
2014A Cooke0
2013J Winthorst0
2012V Cheng0
2011M Rogers0
2010K Koutsogiannouplos0

IPSC Modified

Maximum score 100%

2022No Competition0
2019No Competition0
2018No Competition0
2017No Competition0
2016No Competition0
2015J Cowperthwaite0
2014No Competition0
2013No Competition0
2012No Competition0
2011No Competition0
2010No Competition0

IPSC Revolver

Maximum score 100%

2022No Competition0
2019No Competition0
2018No Competition0
2017No Competition0
2016No Competition0
2015No Competition0
2014No Competition0
2013No Competition0
2012No Competition0
2011M Burmeister-Linke0
2010No Competition0

5 Match Aggregate

The 5 match aggregate comprises the scores from: 50m Pistol, Rapid Fire, Centrefire, Air Pistol, Standard Pistol

2008I Butland2661

50M Prone Rifle

60 shots – Maximum score 654

2023Rob Shorten604.4
2022R Shorten607.8
2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019M Davis613.220
2018N Davis615.27
2017No Competition000
2016No Competition000
2015N Davis607.4
2014E Gibson588.34
2013W Grenness587
2012W Grenness591
2011W Grenness589
2010No Competition000
2009S Elsmore570
2008A Cocks586
2007O Gray569
2006W Grenness584
2005G Kelley580
2004G Kelley580
2003E Gibson588
2002G Kelley587

20M Prone Rifle

60 shots – Maximum score 600

2023No Competitor000
2022No Competitor000
2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019No Competitor000
2018No Competitor000
2013 – 2017No Competition000
2012N Davis589.27
2011W Grenness298
2005 – 2010No competition000
2004N Bourchier559

Air Rifle

60 shots – Maximum score 600

2023Oliva Cartwright622.7
2022O Cartwright616.4
2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019M Davis617.9
2018No Competitor000
2017K Singh588
2016M Davis566
2015N Davis537
2014N Davis534
2009-2013No Competition
2008S Elsmore557
2007S McCready579
2006R Van Nus575
2005E Gibson588
2004J Saitz579
2003E Gibson579
2002G Kelley581
1998-2001No Competition
1997R Wieland589

Air Rifle Supported

60 shots – Maximum score 600

2023Chris Karamoshos591.5
2022M Maccora606.1
2021C Karamoshos600.7
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019C Karamoshos598.25
2018V Mc Cready585.36
2017L Maccora547
2016C Karamoshos571
2015C Karamoshos562
2014C Karamoshos557

3P Rifle Club Champions

60 shots – Maximum score 600

2007-2023No Competitor000
2006R Van Nus575
2005No Competition000
2004G Kelley563
2003G Kelley563

Sport Rifle

30 shots – Maximum score 300

From 1988 – 1991 the competition was conducted as a 15 shot event. 

In 1992 the rules were changed and the competition is now contested as a 30 shot event.

2023Francis Gadsen279
2022F Marcum256
2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019M Prada278
2018P Wolfe285
2015-2017No Competition000
2014S Elsmore287
2013I Butland274
2012M Syer271
2011I Butland271
2010I Butland276
2009No Competition000
2008P Thornton274
2007B Scarlett276
2006B Scarlett273
2005M Syer270
2004P Thornton273
2003R Davis288
2002R Davis287
2001P Thornton276
2000M Syer275
1999D Boseley266
1998D Boseley262
1997P Thornton275
1996N Facey281
1995P Thornton272
1994T Siler280
1993T Siler289
1992I Butland280
1991I Butland145
1990No Competition000
1989P McCarter144
1988P McCarter144

Benchrest 50M

60 shots – Maximum score 600

2022No-longer shot000
2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019D Peacock737.39
2018B Hughs746.42
2017A Rowe746.40
2016S Kiddle744.50
2015A Rowe739.29
2014S Kiddle744.40
2013R Lightfoot600
2012C Karamoshos600
2011A Rowe600
2010D Peacock594
2009G White599
2008R Lightfoot599
2007C McHugh587
2006K Caruana-Smith588
2005R McCready580

Bench Rest 50m RBA 750

75 shots – Maximum score 750

2022R Lightfoot745.47
2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019D Peacock737.39
2018B Hughs746.42
2017A Rowe746.40
2016S Kiddle744.50
2015A Rowe736.29
2014S Kiddle744.40

Bench Rest 50m TRV 750

75 shots – Maximum score 750


Benchrest 20M

60 shots – Maximum score 600

2023Chris Karamoshos598.24
2022M Maccora596.20
2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019C Karamoshos598.25
2018C Karamoshos595.16
2017C Karamoshos596.20
2016A Rowe578.13
2015C Karamoshos577.14
2014S Neeson575.17
2013A Rowe582
2012C Karamoshos575

Bench Rest Air Rifle 25m

75 shots – Maximum score 750

2023Chris Karamoshos745.27
2022No Competitor000
2021No Comp Covid-19000
2020No Comp Covid-19000
2019No Competitor000
2018C Karamoshos735.21
2017A Rowe732.25
2016A Rowe730.14
2015R Lightfoot734.30
2014D Peacock728.20